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  • adam811546

A Taste of Alicante

We met up with another (new) friend in Alicante, after crossing over from Ibiza. Our family friend Darren Bulpitt's wife, Luisa, is a native of Alicante and happened to be in town. We had actually never met Luisa, but she was gracious enough to show us all around town and give us the insider tour.

It's so much better to see a new city through the eyes of a local. She also took us to breakfast for churros and chocolate, which the girls LOVED.

We also swung by the Alicante open markets to pick up some fresh veggies, fish, and beans. When you're living on a boat and traveling from place to place, you can't imagine how great it is to find a market like this.

We also climbed up to the top of the castle on the hill overlooking Alicante (seeing another theme here?). It was a spectacular day. Here are a few highlights.

Thanks for showing us around, Luisa!!

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Oct 23, 2021

Love Reading and seeing your photos and videos about your adventures even more so now that I have met you. My absolute pleasure to have shown you my town. Glad you liked it! Safe travels and "just keep swimming Ryan, watch those jelly fish"

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