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  • adam811546


From Antigua we sailed the 30 miles or so North to Barbuda. Mom had left us the day before to do a dive trip to Saba (stay tuned for a post on that) so it was just the girls and I.

Barbuda is a low lying, sandy island all by itself in the Northeastern Caribbean. It only has 1500 residents despite its relatively large area. What makes Barbuda really special is its beaches. They really are breathtaking; just another level of beautiful (and that's coming from people that have spent the last 5 months in the most beautiful spots in the Caribbean!). The colors are what are so incredible, the turquoises of the water, the pink sand, the blue sky -- it feels like you're in another world.

We spent a lot of time doing simple stuff like just playing in the surf:

And snorkeling...

And oh, yeah, there were wild horses running on the beach!:

Next stop, St. Barts!

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