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  • adam811546

Beautiful Bonifacio

We recently spent 4 days in Bonifacio, an amazing spot at the far southern end of Corsica. Bonifacio is nestled into its own calanque, or a natural fjord, carved out of high limestone cliffs all around. Check out the first video for a flyover of this spectacular place.

The old town of Bonifacio was founded in the early 9th century by a governor of Tuscany (Boniface II), who built the fortress high up on the hill. The old town is still thriving with restaurants and boutiques. It was really neat to see modern society carrying on within the confines of a 1300 year old ancient fortress.

Getting up there was a bit of hike:

The girls also really enjoyed it (despite Ryan's comments below). While the significance of something that old is a little lost on you when you are that young, I do think they appreciated that we were in a pretty unique place. But you probably want to hear it in their own words, so you here you go:


It's hard writing good things about Bonifacio because they played music really loud and I didn't get much sleep (there was a night club just across the harbor from us, so was definitely a lot of "unce, unce" at night). They would play music until about 3am. It was awful because we climbed the steepest kinda-tall hill 5 times. We had to climb it because my parents wanted to see the old town of Bonifacio. They thought it was really cool because it was built in Medieval times. I really only cared about the food because it was soooo good! I tried their stewed meat. IT WAS AMAZING!! I might go back if I ever get the chance.


My favorite part of my experience in Bonifacio was my birthday. When I woke up my sister gave me beautiful earrings that are some sort of shell that is symbol of Bonifacio. My dad gave me the most delicate and pretty red coral pendent which is something we have seen in shops all over Corsica. Then we went into town and walked along the boutiques. I didn’t see anything that I like so I asked to up to the old city. The old city is up on a hill looking over the water on either side. On side looks out over the open ocean and you can see Sardinia across the way. On the other side you can see the long and narrow path into the harbor, both are an incredible view. The old city is behind big and thick stone walls and all the buildings inside are really old as well. We found a place that served savory crepes so we went there for lunch. In France a lot of people smoke so there was an ash tray on our table. My mom asked me to put it on top of the round cement piece next to our table. I put it up there but it started to fall off making a very loud sound my dad tried to catch it but it ended up on the floor. Everyone in the restaurant was staring at us and we all broke out into laughter. We all were very tired and hot so we decided to go down the hill and go back to the boat. They were about to turn the corner and I spotted a gelato place so I asked to go. They said only because it’s my birthday and I ate the gelato on the way home. We hadn’t had internet in a week so we went to find a place with free internet. We found a place and we had drinks and used the internet. When we were ready for dinner my parents asked me where I wanted to go. I had seen a place that looked good in the old city so I asked to go there. My sister had been very upset by all the stairs and the big hill but because it was my birthday she agreed to go. When we got there, I was expecting to eat outside but they led us into a little place in the back that was empty except for a couple sitting in the corner. The atmosphere was so perfect it was warm and cozy inside because outside the wind was howling, the walls were all the old rock we had seen, and the roof was made of uneven wood strips. When my mom told the waiter that it was my thirteenth birthday, he got out a wine glass and gave me a taste. I knew that it was going to be gross but I took a sip and we got some good pictures. When our food first came, I was a little disappointed, I had ordered an avocado dish with lemon that you put on a cracker. When it arrived it had crab on it which I thought was gross. (if any of you don’t know I don’t eat any type of meat) My dad let me try some of his stuffed eggplant which was good but Ryan couldn’t finish her vegetable pasta so she gave some to me and it was one of the best things I had eaten in my life. When the waiter came out with dessert he let us each pick the one we wanted. I picked the homemade snickers and so did dad, I was the most amazing thing ever! We all tried each others but everybody agreed that the snickers was the best. That was the end of my amazing birthday in Bonifacio.

Here the birthday girl. 13! Ew!

Now it's on to Sardinia for a few days, then the girls go to Paris (!!!) while Daddy flies back to Boston to do the 505 North Americans. Stay tuned for more!

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Betty Alexandra Toole
Betty Alexandra Toole
Oct 12, 2021

Exquisite pictures, keep themcoming

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