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  • adam811546

Cala Moro

We spent a few days cruising the East and South coasts of Mallorca. Our friend Arif, who spent the summer in Mallorca with his family, gave us a bunch of amazing recommendations.

Cala Moro (as in the Moors) was a favorite for the crystal clear water and scenery.

The entire coast of Mallorca is pock-marked with little bays and inlets like this, called Calas. You could easily spend a week or two exploring them. We only had two days.

Of course, a Cala means Ryan got a swim in. Are you tired of Ryan swimming videos yet? Noticing a theme?:

And last for Cala Moro, a little fun with the drone:

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Betty Alexandra Toole
Betty Alexandra Toole
Oct 21, 2021

great videos, especially the noisy ones

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