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  • Writer's pictureMara Lowry

Did you make it to Paree? Oui!

Some of you may remember that back when we were planning this trip, Kenning & Ryan were a bit... reluctant? skeptical? No, loath, is the right adjective, I think, to describe their attitude. So, like any good mom, I came up with an excellent strategy for encouraging their enthusiasm: BRIBERY!

While Adam spent the last week in September in Newport, RI, competing in the International 5o5 North American Championship, the girls and I went to Paris. PARIS!!! Now, I have been to Paris before, of course... Once. In 1996. For 48 hours. Thanks to Dana Fox, one of my college roommates & besties. So, it was almost a first visit for all of us. Honestly, I don't know if they were more excited or I was. (Probably me.)

I will split up our trip into a few different posts. Thank you to all our friends who shared tips and "must-do" items with us!!! (Betty, Stephanie, Suzanne, Tanya, and everyone I am forgetting right now.) We had a fabulous time (with a little whining). It all started with our adorable apartment...

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