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  • adam811546

Friendapalooza, Part I

For the last few weeks we've been in the British Virgin Islands. With Omicron in retreat, we've had a steady stream of friends come to visit. And while we have made great new friendships on this trip with all the people you've met in this blog, there is nothing quite like old friends from home!

The first friends to visit us in the BVI's were the Haase's. The Haase's moved to San Diego shortly before our trip started, so it was particularly nice to catch up with them as we won't get to see them in Mill Valley much anymore. They are also insanely fun.

As you can see, Mara is very excited to see Ashley:

For those sailor friends of ours, you'll start to recognize some familiar haunts.

We spent a bunch of time at the new Bitter End. The Bitter End was completely destroyed by Irma in 2017, and they have rebuilt it beautifully. This place has special significance for our family as we've sailed there with both the Lowrys and the Holians. It's great to see it back.

We also made it to the Soggy Dollar, so named because you swim into it from your boat.

And we just had a blast, sailing, swimming, eating, and hanging out.

Did I mention there was internet?

Boys are 'ew.

Dave and I squeezed in some kiting, of course:

And Scotty learned some new life skills. #greatparenting

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Betty Alexandra Toole
Betty Alexandra Toole
Apr 16, 2022

Lovely pictures, have a happy Easter, much love, Betty

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