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  • adam811546

Getting Back in Action

Sorry it's been a while... We have been doing a LOT of fixing stuff and logistics, and with the Omicron wave subsiding, we have had 4 groups of friends visit us in the last few weeks. It's been so fun.

I've teed up some posts about each of our friends that have visited for the next few days. Keep an eye out for those.

Going back a few weeks to right after Mara's dive trip with Candace, we spent a few days in St. Martin and St. Barts. Mostly it was about fixing stuff. When you live on a boat, stuff breaks ALL THE TIME. And when it does, you can't do anything else, because all of the systems are interconnected and vital for living aboard.

This is me taking apart our engines to figure out why they aren't working. Did you know I'm a certified diesel mechanic now? #lifegoals.

Anyway, after figuring out we had a near complete blockage in the exhaust manifold, I was able to find the parts (probably the hardest thing to do in the Caribbean), pay Caribbean prices for them, and put it all back together successfully (with only a temporary seawater leak!).

What these photos don't show -- and perhaps this one of Mara does -- is how HOT this work is. Oh, my lord, working in tiny engine rooms with motors that have been running in Caribbean heat... I know, you're so sad for us!

Sometimes even folding a spinnaker requires a rest!

Now onto the fun stuff. Lots of photos of all of the friends that have come to visit us recently coming up, starting with the Haase's!

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