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  • Writer's pictureMara Lowry

Gibraltar: Visiting The Rock

Returning to the boat from Seville was bittersweet - we were leaving beautiful places and lovely friends behind, but we had welcomed a new friend, Gunther, to our crew! Ryan was *determined* to celebrate Halloween, and you cannot stop "the Ryan" when she is on a mission. We decorated the boat, cobbled together some costumes, and "The Great Pumpkin" even brought the girls some candy. While we sorely missed our traditions back home, we definitely made the best of it.

The next day we were determined - despite the iffy weather - to explore The Rock. Walking across the border from Spain to Gibraltar and crossing the active runway proved quite easy, and it was strange and thrilling to hear so much English (with British accents!) being spoken. After wandering the Main Street for a bit, we decided to take a tour. We visited the Pillars of Hercules, St. Michael's Cave, a World War II tunnel/battlement, and a small Moorish tower.

But the "highlight" was the group of Barbary macaques that we saw near the top of the hill. They were not afraid of people AT ALL. One even leapt up onto a railing behind Mara causing her to scream and run like a terrified baby. They rode on top of the vans. They even climbed on one man's back! They were enthralling to observe... at least from a distance!

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