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  • adam811546

Great Octopus Video

Updated: Jan 2, 2022

NOTE -- I previously uploaded the wrong video on this one. Now the octopus video is below.


We are now in St. Vincent and the Grenadines, at an anchorage at an island called Bequia. We went for a little snorkel the other day and Mara spotted an octopus.

We followed it around the reef for about 25 minutes. Normally, octopi are nestled in a crevice and hiding away. This one was very active, and it moved around different rocks and coral, changing colors with its surroundings. This clip is a bunch of different shots I took over that 25 minutes, and they are all of the same octopus. It looks different because it's changing with its surroundings. There are even a few times you can actually see it change color.

At the end, it finds a small crevice, and if you watch closely, you can see it burrow itself in and ultimately slip all the way into this tiny spot. And the final shot is of the octopus peering out of its den.

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Katie McGauley
Katie McGauley
Jan 01, 2022

Looking forward to the Octopus video but in the meantime- Happy New Year!


Jan 01, 2022

Looks like I posted the wrong video? Will have to work on that when I get some WiFi because the file is huge.


Susan Kolb
Susan Kolb
Dec 31, 2021

I somehow can't find the octopus video. It sounded so cool. I'm sorry I had to miss it.

In the meantime Lowry's, a very Happy New Year to you. May you continue to be safe and healthy. This trip looks so amazing. I love catching up on all of the missives and photos and videos. You are missed here on the court..

xoxoxoxo Susan & Mike

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