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  • adam811546

Hangin' with Mick in Mustique

Mustique is the fanciest of places. A private island in the Grenadines, it is owned by its 90 homeowners, which are a who's who, including Tommy Hilfiger and Mick Jagger.

As it turned out the Mustique Blues Festival was on. It's not much of a festival, more like a handful of blues musicians playing at a bar for several nights in a row. But it was really fun, nonetheless, and on the opening night we did see Mick Jagger. He came into the bar just as we were leaving. No pictures of Mick; but I can report that he is rather old and very short!

The real appeal of Mustique, however, is its beauty. A lot like the other places we've been in the Grenadines, it was all crystal clear blue water and beautiful landscapes.

We also got in the water, and saw some unique sea creatures. Smaller than manta rays and turtles, but cool nonetheless.

A "rock beauty"

Moral eel

And one of my favorites, the spotted drum:

We are now in Martinique, and it is totally different. Basically, we're in France. A lot more developed, fresh baguettes, croissants, and plenty of wine and cheese. Stay tuned for more updates!

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1 comentario

Betty Alexandra Toole
Betty Alexandra Toole
05 feb 2022

Thank you for taking me along on this wonderful adventure. Above and below water, great fun.

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