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  • adam811546

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year from St. Vincent & the Grenadines!

As you can see, life is not exactly awful down here, but we do miss our friends and family! We've had a few groups of friends that were planning to visit us have to cancel due to the current COVID situation. We're hoping, as everyone is, that things improve quickly so at least a few of you can come share in the fun!

In the meantime, know that we miss you all and we can't wait to see you all, either on the boat or when we get back home. Here's to a wonderful/happy/easier/safer 2022!

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Katie McGauley
Katie McGauley
Jan 03, 2022

ummm - those kids look like teenagers - what happened in the last two weeks. That octopus video is soooo coooool! xoxo

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