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  • adam811546

It's Raining...Red Sand?!


It was raining and sand began to cover the outside of our boat. I was confused because there was no sand anywhere around us. Dad said that the sand was from the Sahara desert. I was doubtful because I thought the only thing that could carry sand that far was wind. I found out that the wind picked up the sand, the sand went into the clouds, and then rained down on us. That was surprising because in Mill Valley the only time we’d get some of another place is when there are fires. I think this was much cooler.


Today our boat was covered in fine red sand. We were nowhere near a place with fine red sand so it was very interesting. My dad explained that it was sand from the Sahara Desert. The wind had picked up the sand and it got caught in the rain. As the rain fell our boat got more and more covered by the sand. We thought that this was pretty interesting so we decided to write about it. It was so fine that it just felt like dirt and was a real pain to clean up. I helped clean for a little but it was not fun to scrub. (Mom’s comment: true. Especially for those of us who persevered!)

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Nov 15, 2021

So interesting!


Sep 21, 2021

Love you write ups on the red sand Kenning and Ryan! Very strange that the clouds could carry sand and it could rain down on you! Mara, great job with another teachable moment

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