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  • adam811546

Marvelous Martinique

After a month and a half in the Grenadines (yep, we really spent a month and a half there, it was amazing, we really didn't want to leave!) we started heading north in the Caribbean. Having spent a good amount of time in St. Lucia, we sailed by and on up to the next island in the chain: Martinique.

As you'll see, so far it's been much the same, with good times:


Girls having fun:

Beautiful anchorages:

Some Daddy-Daughter time:

And beautiful sunsets!

We are now off to Florida for about 11 days, so that I can compete in the 505 North American Championship and the girls can get done some much needed school and shopping (we haven't been in the States in 6 months!).

When we get back we'll be heading north to Dominica, Guadeloupe, Antigua, and more. Stay tuned!

Until then:

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That rainbow is amazing! And good luck in the race!

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