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  • adam811546

New Friends

Probably the greatest thing to happen to the girls so far on this trip is that we are part of the ARC (Atlantic Rally for Cruisers) Family Group, which means we have been docked on the family pier with all the other "kid boats".

That means that while Mom & Dad are working down their ever-expanding lists, making another trip to the chandlery to buy something else we need, the girls have been playing with all the other kids, building forts on the foredecks (if you're Ryan), or commiserating that you're parents took you on this trip (if you're Kenning).

While 13 year olds don't allow you to take pictures, I was able to sneak a photo or two of Ryan's new friends. They are from Hawaii, Belgium, Great Britain, New Zealand, and more.

Hopefully we'll get to do some cruising together with some of these families in the Caribbean this winter and the girls can keep in touch with their new friends.

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Hannah Sellers
Hannah Sellers

So cute! Love hearing the updates!

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