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  • adam811546

Octopus's Garden, Part Deux!

Ryan narrating. Always a unique perspective!

This is a view of the cove where were holed up for a few days waiting for the winds to calm down and where we met our new octopus friend:

And one more shot of Orangina:

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Susan Kolb
Susan Kolb
Sep 20, 2021

So many questions. I love your videos. Ryan is a great filmmaker.

Where are you? The water looks gorgeous. Is it cold? What is the water and ambient temperature? How do you get provisions and who is cooking? ( like I don't already know the answer to that ?)

We miss you here in the "hood". Your front yard looks awesome.

All is well here. The weather may be turning nice, at last. Today was beautiful and about 75.

Take care and stay safe.

xoxoxoxoxo Susan & Mike

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