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  • adam811546

Palermo & Valley of the Temples

After the girls did Naples and the Amalfi Coast they headed down to Sicily to meet up with Dad, who flew back from California.

The first stop was Palermo, where we toured churches, theaters, and enjoyed the art and architecture:

From Palermo we headed to the Valley of the Temples. Sicily, of course, has been a crossroads of the Mediterranean for millennia, and the Valley of the Temples is where the Greeks erected temples to many of their gods.

The Temple of Concordia is one of the best preserved ancient Greek temples in existence. Built in the 5th century BC, it is the inspiration for the UNESCO logo

Temple of Hera (also known as Temple of Juno)

Temple of Zeus

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Betty Alexandra Toole
Betty Alexandra Toole
08 may 2022

Absolutely love your posts, even though I miss the Low-res and Oreo

Me gusta
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