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  • adam811546

Reefer Madness

I'm talking about fridges, people! It's not all sunshine and tropical islands down here. We're living on a boat, and that means a lot of stuff breaks. All. The. Time. And sometimes we (OK, I) break stuff when we're trying to defrost the fridge "the quick way".

In the humidity, the freezer part of our fridge does this about every 2 weeks:

And if you take a hammer and a screwdriver to it, sometimes you do this:

And then all the refrigerant leaks out and your fridge no longer works. And finding a marine refrigerator technician that has the capability to weld aluminum and has the right refrigerant in an island chain a long way from anywhere is no easy task.

But eventually, after about 3 weeks with only one working fridge (thank goodness we had two) and a few hundred bucks later, we're sorted! Lesson learned -- don't try shortcuts!

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