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Ryan's 10th Birthday Beach Bonfire

Updated: Feb 10, 2022

We have a 10 year old! I know what you're thinking: "how are Adam and Mara old enough to have a 10 year old and a 13 year old when they are still in their twenties?!". We started young.

But I digress. This year for Ryan's birthday we got to (had to?) do something unique. In the Tobago Cays there are a number of uninhabited tropical islands you can have all to yourself. We got a few boats together, talked to our local friend Michael to organize a barbecue, and anchored at a cay called Petite Tabac for the afternoon.

The day started off nice!

What started off as a beautiful day, however, turned into a blustery, squally afternoon, so our beach BBQ turned a little (OK, a lot) soggy. Nonetheless, it was a memorable experience, and as we were in the dinghy heading back to the boat, well after dark, Ryan exclaimed "well, I will definitely never forget this birthday!". As usual, we are nailing it in the parenting department.

Here are a few pics:

Chips. Gotta have chips:

Ryan, losing a blonde-off to Alma (from Sweden).

Table? We don't need no stinking table!:

Clouds gathering....

Taking shelter from the rain....

At times, it felt like there was a bit of a "Castaway" theme to the party:

The birthday cake, homemade by KK (who is looking very glam despite the rain!):

We introduced our European and Asian friends to S'mores!

In the end, fun was had by all. Thank goodness for hearty friends!

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Susan Ruhne
Susan Ruhne
Jan 24, 2022

Happy Birthday Ryan!


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Happy Happy Birthday Ryan!


Kathleen Cavanagh
Kathleen Cavanagh
Jan 22, 2022

That looked like a great Birthday Party!


Katie McGauley
Katie McGauley
Jan 22, 2022

Happy Birthday Ryan!!


Jan 22, 2022

Looks incredible! Happy Birthday to Ryan. Loving the blog posts. Miss you! xo Kimberly

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