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  • adam811546

Sightseeing in the Canaries

Our first port of call after the sail down from Gibraltar was the nearest Canary Island to mainland Europe, Lanzarote. Lanzarote, like all the Canary Islands, is volcanic (and fortunately for us, unlike the island of La Palma, is not currently erupting).

It's landscape is downright lunar -- no trees, red soil, lava fields, and cinder cones (which I don't really have any pictures of....).

We also got to spend a day exploring the dunes at the far southern tip of Gran Canaria. Sort of a low budget resort area, but the dunes were cool!:

Nice pose, Kenning.

We are now in full-on prep mode for the Atlantic crossing. We've been into every corner of the boat, passed our safety inspection, and are spending our days thinking about everything that could go wrong and what we'll do if it does. Fun stuff!

Looking forward to getting going.

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1 Comment

Dec 13, 2021

ooh I love the Canary Islands. Been forever that I was there. Looks like you are having a blast! - Britta

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