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  • adam811546

Sorry We've Been Asleep On Ya!

We've heard from many of you "where are the updates?!". We have tons to share and very soon we'll upload a bunch of new stories, photos, and videos -- just as soon as we can find some decent internet. In the last few weeks the girls went to Paris, Adam sailed in the 505 North Americans in Newport, RI, and we all met up for a week exploring Rome. We're now in the Balearic Islands in Spain with our friends Tim & Marcia. Much more to come!

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Matt Price
Matt Price
Oct 16, 2021

Hey Lowrys. Love the updates especially the Ryan and Kenning commentaries. Also good to see Adam’s skills with the drone. We look forward to hearing about the kids thoughts on Rome


Oct 16, 2021

Ahoy Adam, while on Sardegna did you and the family get to experience the cheese with the tiny bugs that live in the cheese?? Quite a delicacy- not to my liking, though. Good to see you in Newport. Good luck with the rest of your trip. We love the up dates. Keep them coming- Julie and howie

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