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  • adam811546

Superyacht Regatta, Antigua

We rolled into Antigua a few days ago and much to our surprise, there is a superyacht regatta going on. Think 100-250 ft sailboats of the very nicest kind duking it out on the race course. When they are under sail out on the ocean, it's a pretty spectacular sight.

More importantly, regardless of the well-heeled company, we love Antigua! The natural harbors are very nice, they have delicious food options, way more service/goods options for the things we need, and the kiting is pretty amazing!

It's a pretty beautiful place:

Now for a the yachts. Like this 180' classic/modern ketch:

Of course, in the marina it's parked right next to this 220 foot ketch:

Can you imagine having a 180' superyacht and the guy parked next to you has basically the same boat, but 40 feet longer? As T.K. used to say, "somebody's always got a bigger one!".

Last boat pic: That little boat on the right is the 100 foot supermaxi Commanche, current record holder of most big ocean races. This place makes 100 footers look small!

Antigua has a British colonial history, and the British navy used it's natural harbors for a base in the Caribbean. Much of the local architecture reflects that, and has been well preserved.

Most importantly, we continue to learn and explore, spending lots of time on the fabulous reefs.

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Betty Alexandra Toole
Betty Alexandra Toole
Mar 24, 2022

Wow, beautiful venues and you are getting toasty brown,



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