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  • adam811546

The Amalfi Coast

The next stop after Naples for the girls was the Amalfi Coast. As you can see, Mara is very excited to be there.

Mara rented a Fiat convertible to drive the coast. As you can see, she has gone native, driving her little Italian car, scarf waving in the wind!

So glam!

The girls also enjoyed the many culinary delights of the Amalfi coast. One of their favorites was the "lemon delight", which is basically a lemon cake stuffed with some sort of cream and covered with another. The girls saw a story on lemon delights on a the TV show Stanley Tucci's Finding Italy before the trip and they have been on a mission for lemon delights ever since. Mission accomplished!

Needless to say, none was left!

They also took a pizza making class!

Enjoying the rewards.

Look at how cute my girls are!

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