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  • adam811546

Turtle Cam!

I mentioned in my last post the incredible wildlife all around us at our anchorage. Well, check it out: Luna Bay with 4 turtles swimming close around. Every morning we could just come up on deck and watch the turtles swimming all around with a cup of coffee in hand. It was incredible.

We also could snorkel with the turtles. And if you were really calm, you could slowly work your way closer to them. This turtle I followed for about 20 minutes. As he/she got more comfortable with me, I was able to come closer, and even come around the side and a little bit to the front of him/her.

Oh, and there are eagle rays:

And cool fish:

And stingrays:

A pretty special place!

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3 תגובות

Betty Alexandra Toole
Betty Alexandra Toole
12 בינו׳ 2022

Totally great posts,



11 בינו׳ 2022

Love that turtle cam! My favorite sea creatures by far, the turtle. Always exciting to see them whenever it is, Hawaii, the Caribbean, the Great Barrier Reef


Gretchen Dorian
Gretchen Dorian
11 בינו׳ 2022

Love1 love Love! Keep those photos and videos coming!

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