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  • adam811546

We Have a......*TEENAGER* !!!

Last week a new crew member joined us. She is a newly minted teenager, her name is Kenning, and she is kind and sweet and thoughtful. And really only gives Daddy moderate eye-rolls when he tells Dad jokes.

We celebrated KK's birthday in Bonifacio. The highlight was an amazing dinner we experienced at a restaurant we heard about in the old city. We were tucked inside one of the stone who-knows-how-many-hundreds-of-years-old buildings and enjoyed some spectacular French cuisine. Maybe the highlight of the night was when upon hearing that it was KK's 13th, our garcon poured KK her very own glass of French rose (more like a tiny taste):

When in Rome!....

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Nancy Alcott
Nancy Alcott
Oct 26, 2021

Absolutely wonderful!!! But, wasn't she just like in a stroller along side Amstel? :)


Betty Alexandra Toole
Betty Alexandra Toole
Oct 12, 2021

Congratulations Kenning, I thought it was going to be ice cream but it looks you made the big time and d id not even leave a sip in the glass..

Starboard Court seems so quiet with out you here butt keep enjoying, all of you your great adventure.


Phillip Perloff
Phillip Perloff
Oct 11, 2021

you guys are so wonderful. Welcome to teenager hood Kenning.



Jill Norris Sellers
Jill Norris Sellers
Oct 03, 2021

This is a keeper photo for the ages. Happy Birthday Kenning! We miss you!


Matt Price
Matt Price
Sep 30, 2021

Such great pictures. Keep ‘em coming.

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